My sweet son had birhday yesterday, he's know 1 year! Where does the time go?
A pic taken year ago, when he was one day old:

My sweet son had birhday yesterday, he's know 1 year! Where does the time go?
A pic taken year ago, when he was one day old:
And pic taken today:
Oh well, but back to makeup.
I had a request to make a bold makeup that would go together with certain dress and jewelry, and this is one of the looks I made. I tried to make it kinda arabian styled:
And couple more artistic photos:
I used Nyx Black Bean, UD Flipside, UD Half Baked, Stargazer Glitter, and Gosh golden eyeliner.
EDIT: I forgot Kat von D's Speed Blue from Beethoven palette.
EDIT: I forgot Kat von D's Speed Blue from Beethoven palette.
And then my real LOTD, I wanted red and black, so I used Pure Luxe OMG / BftE Addicted and UD Oil slick, and a hit of Ben Nye Tangerine:
And some full face photos:
Then something else!
I have this neverending project to organize my makeup stash.
I have bought all kind of small containers and stuff to make it even look like it would be in order :D
So I took a picture of my current "stash table"

Here's the Pure Luxe pigment / lipstick/ liner holder, lid open:
And here's my train case, it really hasn't changed much since the last photo:
And then one more photo, I photographed my beautiful MSCHIC Kide mineral foundation:
I just love the wooden box and all <3