
    This is my haul from today:

    There is a huge sale in all Sokos and Emotions, so I did a little shopping.

    There is:

    Cils Demasq makeup remover (my HG)
    Lancome Color Fever lipstick Atomic Red
    Gosh effect powders Golden Gate and Angel
    Gosh translucent loose powder
    Gosh single eyeshadows 233 and 244 (brown and white)
    Gosh nail polishes Mulberry and Pearl

    And guess what? I might give some of the away, to you guys! Are you interested? *g*

    And about the Lancome lipstick, it's regular price is 30e ( ~$44 !), and now it was just 3e ( ~$4), I just HAD to buy it at that price *g*

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